Texas First-Time Homebuyer Assistance Programs


Texas's economy is flourishing, which means home prices are at the top. This situation is not ideal for many, especially first-time homebuyers. The authorities, including the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, have been observing the situation keenly to help first-time homebuyers get the required assistance in buying a home. They offer various incentives to first-time buyers in the form of loans. You can also get down payment assistance from these organizations.

This discussion concerns the most relevant and affordable homebuyer assistance programs in Texas for first-time homebuyers. So, let us start exploring the most feasible options!

Texas First-Time Homebuyer Loan Programs

Many types of assistance programs are available for first-time homebuyer Texas. However, we have chosen only a few options for your consideration. We hope you will find the best option that fits your budget and is convenient.

TDHCA My First Texas Home

This first-time buyer program in Texas is offered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). It is a 30-year mortgage plan that makes life easier for first-time homebuyers. More importantly, the interest rate is at the lowest, only 5%. Additionally, you also get interest-free down payment assistance. Furthermore, obtaining a USDA, VA, or FHA loan is also available under the umbrella of this program.

Remember when applying for this loan, the assistance is available only for a limited time, and when you sell your home in Texas, this assistance will be repaid. You will face the same situation when paying off your mortgage or planning to refinance.

You are eligible for this program if your credit score is as low as 620. However, you will also need to meet the requirements related to income and purchase price. Another vital aspect you must remember is that these requirements vary in every county. Attending a homebuyer education course offered by Texas Homebuyer U is also essential and available for free.

TDHCA My Choice Texas Home

This loan is available for all first-time or repeat homebuyers. The interest rate is like TDHCA's My First Texas Home. This way, you can conveniently manage your down payment and closing costs. Other features of this program are a no-monthly payment on the second mortgage and zero interest.

TDHCA My Choice Texas Home allows you to obtain USDA, VA, and FHA loans as well as a conventional Fannie Mae HFA Preferred loan.

To qualify for this loan, your credit score must be at least 620, and you must fall in the categories of income and purchase prices.

TSAHC Home Sweet Texas Home Loan Program

If you are a first-time home buyer in Texas, you can apply for this loan. This program is offered by the Texas Affordable Housing Corporation (TSAHC). This loan is available to that specific first-time homebuyer Texas who can afford the interest on 5% down payment assistance with a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage plan. This assistance can be in the form of a grant or a second mortgage. Interestingly, you will not bear any interest or monthly payments on the second mortgage. 

The most valuable aspect is that your mortgage will be forgiven after three years. Remember, you will repay it if you refinance before this period or sell your home in Texas.

Like the previously described programs, this program allows you to obtain FHA, VA, USDA, and a Fannie Mae HFA Preferred conventional loan. Another loan you can obtain under this program is the Freddie Mac HFA Advantage traditional loan.

Repeat homebuyers can also apply for this loan. However, the credit score must be at least 620. Another important condition is to meet your income and purchase price limits. Moreover, this limit changes with the change in property size and location.

TSAHC Homes for Texas Heroes Program

If you are a police officer, teacher, firefighter, or working in a public service profession, you are eligible for this program. TSAHC Home for Texas Heroes Program is also available for eligible veterans. This program is available for first-time homebuyers in Texas interested in a 30-year mortgage loan program with 5% interest. Like the Home Sweet Texas Home Loan Program, you can get this assistance through a grant or second mortgage.

This loan is also available for repeat homebuyers in Texas, but you must fall within the income and purchase price limits set by the authorities.

Texas Down Payment Assistance

With all the loan programs offered by different organizations in Texas, you can also get down payment assistance in Texas. However, a different situation can be faced in some Texas cities, possibly because these cities have their own assistance programs. To check these assistance programs, you should work a little and explore whether your city falls in this specific list or whether previously described loan programs assist you further in down payment.

Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) - Another Assistance

This certificate helps you get a federal tax credit. However, MCC only applies to a percentage of your annual mortgage interest. It equals $2,000 per year or less. 

Combining My First Texas Home loan with the MCC is possible. However, you can use this MCC for all other loan types. The most exciting condition of the MCC is that only a first-time homebuyer Texas or a veteran is eligible for this tax credit.

Let Capital Advisors, TX, Work with You to Get the Right Loan!

If you want to buy a house in Texas and are also looking for assistance to get the most suitable mortgage loans, partner with Capital Advisors, TX. They have a team of experienced professionals who help you choose the best loan and make your homebuying convenient. They offer specialized solutions to first-time homebuyers who need special assistance. So, contact them now and get the best first-time homebuyer assistance program as a first-time homebuyer Texas.


Getting a home mortgage loan as a first-time homebuyer in Texas is challenging. However, you must have the maximum information if you know how to become eligible for these loans. Additionally, you also need to do your homework, work on your credit score, and compare lenders. If you have the skills and abilities to research, we will ensure that getting these loans is convenient and hassle-free. However, ensure you have achieved all your targets to qualify for these loans.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I am a first-time homebuyer Texas. Am I eligible to apply for any assistance program in Texas?

Yes, you can apply for first-time homebuyer assistance programs if you fall in the category of eligible for these programs. For example, your income and home purchase price limits should be according to the set limits, and your credit score must be at least 620.

How many types of first-time homebuyer assistance programs are available in Texas?

You can get many options. However, the best way to apply is for programs introduced by the official authorities. The best options are TDHCA My First Texas Home, TDHCA My Choice Texas Home, TSAHC Home Sweet Texas Home Loan Program, and TSAHC Homes for Texas Heroes Program.

Can I also get down payment assistance in Texas?

All TDHCA and TSAHC programs are equipped with the required down payment assistance. However, in some cities of Texas, you may get some other down payment assistance programs offered only in these cities. We recommend you identify your city and decide accordingly whether it falls on the list. Hiring an expert can help you better in this case.

Can Capital Advisors, TX assist in getting any of the first-time homebuyer assistance programs in Texas?

Yes, Capital Advisors, TX, has a team of experienced lawyers and ex-bankers who know how to choose the best mortgage loan options. They also help you determine whether you will get down payment assistance and, if not, how to arrange it for you.

Why should I partner with Capital Advisors, TX as a first-time homebuyer Texas?

We have multiple properties that suit you as a first-time homebuyer in Texas. We ensure you get the right solution according to your budget and requirements. More importantly, we have experienced professionals who help you find the most suitable loans, apply for them after fulfilling all official and legal requirements, and choose the best option as a Texas first-time homebuyer.


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